A new version of the GISAgua Portal, part of the AGBAR Group, will alert subscribers of the service cuts

The improvements made in this new version are focused on the evolution of the closures tool, that increases the performance and capabilities of the previous version, with:
- The possibility of calculating the closures, whether planned or incidents, both from the office and from the street, through a tablet, the desktop version of GISAgua or the portal itself.
- A much faster calculation of the area that will be without water service when the cut is made.
- The possibility of adding the calculation of those areas where there will be subscribers indirectly affected by the cut.
- The possibility of alerting subscribers affected by email
In addition, we are studying the future possibility of showing the planned measures on Google Maps.
GISAgua is a geographic information system for the management of potable water and sanitation which currently has over 1,800 registered users from about 750 difeferent municipalities in Spain. It is the GEO component of the AquaCIS products suite from the Agbar Group, global leader in integrated solutions of water in cities, that operates in 24 countries and serves 25 million people.
SYNECTIC, the technological group company, has a technical team that ensures the correct orientation and usability of the services provides provided by the component.